Dutch winter landscape   oil on canvas  size 145 x 100 cm.

After art school I started out as a painter. Paintings with oil on canvas.

After a couple of years I mainly made drawings. 

But recent I picked up my paint and brushes again to work with oil on canvas,  in small size. 

I create a sense of a picture by fading the image with a soft brush.



    size 30x 40 cm.   Inspired by Spanish mountains          Mountain Left sold 

size 40 x50 cm.                       'Paradise'.

Exhibition    location Langart.                                                                                                                    Inspired by atlas ...sold

Inspired by The Provence size 45 x 95 cm


        Loods 6


Solo Expo thuis


studio view 

Clouds   size 20 x 50 cm

Inspired by travel in Italy size 30 x 50 cm



Inspired by travel to Switzerland   size 30x25 cm.   sold

Studio Lloyd Hotel