Dutch winter landscape   oil on canvas  size 145 x 100 cm.

After art school I started out as a painter. Big format paintings with oil on canvas.

After a couple of years I mainly start to make drawings. 

But recent I picked up my paint and brushes, to work with oil on canvas, for now in small size, again. 

I create a sense of a picture by fading the image with a soft brush.



Recent work     all size 30x 40 cm.   Inspired by Spanish mountain -and Dutch landscape.

size 40x50 cm      Dutch sea.                                                                        'Paradise'.

Inspired by The Provence size 45 x 95 cm


Left above sold         Loods 6

Solo  expo Thuis  

Inspiration of sold painting picture before

studio view 

Clouds   size 20 x 50 cm

Inspired by travel in Italy size 30 x 50 cm



Inspired by travel to Switzerland   size 30x25 cm

Studio Lloyd Hotel