'Tears of gold' Inspired by waterlily Victoria Amazonica 120x200cm mixed materials Sold
In my drawings i use various materials, like pencil, ink, fineliner and cuttings from glossy magazines.
Other materials or techniques can also be seen in some of the works.
I created my 'braille' with perforated paper to make patterns of flowers.
As I said on the homepage, nature is my first source of inspiration.
But perhaps you can also recognize the influence of the embroidered tapestries of the 17th century in my drawings.
I like heir harmonious, 'fairytale' quality and their overwhelming feeling of size and beauty.
But ironically, if you look a little closer, these tapestries are not only fairytales, and that goes for my work, too.It is all in the details. For instance, the 'glossy' sensation of water running in a 'Hunting Scene' can turn into a sense of a crying earth. Or a barbed wire pattern to 'design' a poppy can pose the question of the essence of beauty.

' One, two and three eyelet' Inspired by a children story. 150x200 cm mixed materials Sold

'Hunting scene' inspired by a travel in France 150x174cm

Solo. Expo Thuis bij Architect Herbert van der Brugghen. Drawings , Watercolour and cyanotype.

exhibition Fundatie Zwolle with 'tears of gold

'Atlas Mountains'

detail 'tears of gold ' and 'one, two and three eyelet'

exhibition Haags museum Den Haag with 'Atlas mountains'

'I have got a passion, it is called peace'. Inspired by Franz Bauer 150x200cm mixed materials

'Hare with fallen tree' inspired by travel to Italy
size 150x170 cm Sold

Solo Singel Amsterdam

Follow up Solo at Singel

Event Schoorlse Kunsten

Pattern from flowers, I saw in Bali, to make 'braille'

Art in window 'Pompon' Prinsengracht Amsterdam

Expo Rokin.

Arti & Amicitea new artists

Number of catalogus

Inspired by a travel to Iceland. 150x200 cm

Inspired by a walk trough the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. 150x175 cm mixed materials

Drawings size 50x65 cm

'Picnic' Inspired by a travel to Bali. 150x200cm

Exhibition Cacaofabriek Helmond

Inspired by Victoria Amazonica Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam

Private collection